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Can GCh ABI Ch Spiritrider Card to Coppermoon RI THD CGN VN 

Eilish is our clown.   And our hunter!  She is still fearless at 9 years old.   Born in raised to 8 weeks in Rocky Mountain House by the amazing breeder and artist Lisa Harbidge of Spiritrider, Eilish spent the next month in Alberta before moving to Ontario with Anna.   

There they began the journey which brought Anna into the show world and has them both still hooked.   Eilish acheived her Championship at the young age of 9 months and at 8 a half years she was awarded her first two Best Veteran in Shows as well as a Judges Award of Merit from the Veteran Female class at the Golden Retriever National in Calgary.  (The last time she was in Calgary she got a Best of Opposite (best female) and a Select Bitch (2nd best female) when she was just 1 year old.   

There is no doubt Eilish is a true star.   She loves the show ring but adores the woods and fields.   She will spend hours hunting and is an absolute natural.   

When not hunting or showing, Eilish is a phenomenal and empathetic Therapy Dog.   Certified with St John Ambulance she was the youngest dog ever in Quinte to achieve this certification at 15 months old.  It is fascinating watching her switch from play and fun mode to Therapy mode.  So instinctual.

By the end of the day, Eilish is usually pretty tired and likes nothing more than to curl up for a cuddle.

Her versatility is truly the definition of what a Golden Retriever should be.

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